KINYO has been steadily pursuing the business since 1930s as the largest rubber roller and blanket manufacturer in Japan.

Thanks to your continuous support, our diversified product line that reflects our initiative and creative technology has been highly appreciated in industries of wider fields.

In addition to our four domestic manufacturing plants, we expanded our manufacturing plants in Europe, China, Vietnam and Thailand. Based around these manufacturing plants, we then established sales branches domestically and internationally which are playing important roles.

Kazuo Nakamura, Chairman of the Board

Takuo Hattori, President


Moving forward, we will improve our business without fearing change. We will continue to do our utmost to invest in human resources and in our equipment, improve our technology, and quickly deliver products that satisfy our customer expectations.

At the same time, we will continue to contribute to society as a “Company that will continue into the future” by continuing to be a company where employees work vigorously and by giving maximum consideration to our environment.

We will achieve these goals with your continued support.


Kazuo Nakamura, Chairman of the Board
Takuo Hattori, President